Dear partners

This is an update of our upcoming premier conference, the united NNT & NIL ID conference, to be held in Lund on June 24-27 2024. We are extremely happy to be able to announce a full suite of participating exhibitors and conference delegates. This will indeed be a unique opportunity to meet and discuss with the most important players in the Nanoimprint, nanoprinting and nanolithography ecosystem.

We gratefully acknowledge the exhibiting companies already supporting the united conference:
AUTEX, EV Group, GDNano, German Litho, Heidelberg Instruments, Heteromerge, HighRI Optics, Inkron, Joanneum Research, NDNANO, Nanoscribe, NILT, micro resist technology, Morphotonics, Myrias Optics, Obducat, Optool, Profactor, Raith, Scivax, SCIL and Stensborg.

Those companies that have not yet registered, please do so asap to secure your exhibition space.

Further, we have a great number of confirmed invited speaker for industrial user presentations. Lately, we received a significant number of relevant technical abstracts (from both, academia and industry), covering most important topics of NIL. The detailed conference program is now underway and will soon be finalized, but the preview list of selected contribution can be seen here:

Due to postponements in the past, we will continue to accept abstracts as late submissions. There is maybe a chance to also include some late submissions in the technical program, although the majority will be posters.
We will have a tutorial session on Monday afternoon, they will cover a discussion of important NIL technologies as well as an overview of industrial application. Those of you who like to participate in these tutorials, please register directly by email to Helmut Schift (

If you that have not yet signed up – please register as soon as possible! We do have some space limitations, so do not wait until last minute. The early bird rate is still valid (until May 31).

We wish you all very warm welcome to an extremely interesting NNT (2024) NIL- ID conference and, of course, to the beautiful, picturesque city of Lund, Sweden.

Conference Chairs
Lars & Arne

Program Chairs
Helmut & Michael