Abstract submission deadline April 5, 2024

The abstract deadline for NNT 2024 has been shifted and is now April 5, 2024.
We invite you to submit nanoimprint related abstracts covering processes or applications.

The maximum abstract length is two-pages. The first page should contain text and references. The second page should contain figures, images, data tables etc. as needed. Please use the MS Word template to prepare the abstract.

Abstracts may be submitted as pdf files by sending them to abstracts-nnt2024@nil-industrialday.org. Please include the full name, e-mail and affiliation of the corresponding author in your e-mail.

You will be notified of the decision around the beginning of May by e-mail.

The program, including a link to your abstract document (pdf), will be published on the webpage. An electronic abstract booklet will be compiled.

Looking forward to your contributions,

Helmut Schift and Michael Mühlberger
NNT2024 Program Chairs